Transit agencies and Caltrans and California High Speed Rail are planning to take the currently free State Route 152 from Madera CA through Los Banos to Gilroy US101 and turn it into a Mobility Partnership "Trade Corridor. "
This MUST be opposed and any politician who supports making SR152 a Toll Road must be defeated at the polls due to their insensitivity to motorists by this sneaky way to initiate a NEW TAX ON OUR AUTOMOBILITY!
The mostly Democrat 'public' organizations' plans will charge automobilists and truckers--including the many firms that own trucks that deliver goods and services to and from the San Francisco Bay Area, South Bay, Monterey area, Central Valley, and Southern California expensive new congestion-priced, peak time use ("Smartmetered") Tolls on the road. This will be in addition to the coming legislation that Senator Barbara Boxer's Senate Environment and Public Works Committee will introduce at the Federal level, in conjunction with California's Marin-Sonoma Dermocrat Jared Huffman's California legislative bill, are sponsoring to charge automobile users for the miles we drive, VMT "fees" soon, after Nov. 2, 2010 in order to reduce GHG (Green House Gases).
If Democrat and environmentalist politicians really want to reduce the vehicle miles traveled of road users, in particular, to and from San Jose, CA, the third largest SMSA in California, SR130 from San Jose's US101 to Patterson's I-5 junction must be built sooner rather than later.
SR130 could be entitled The Mt Hamilton freeway. This environmentally sensitive and aesthetic 40-mile highway would immediately save 55 miles traveled each direction from the current circuitous route of I-5 to I580, I-680, to US101, or south to SR152, then up US101 to San Jose. It reduces or eliminates much of the congestion on I-680, I-580, I-205, as far north as I-80. It reduces the congestion and traffic volume that travel south to SR152 and up US101 through southern Santa Clara County.
The benefits will be to reduce not only VMT, but also Vehicle Hours Traveled (VHT) and vehicle operating costs of tens of thousands of vehicles and motorists per day by directing traffic volumes more directly to/from the San Jose area to points East, Northeast (Sacramento and toward Nevada), and south through Gilroy.
SR130 would be real VMT GHG saver in line with all the environmental objectives AND encourage economic growth by reducing the cost to do business.
It would have no effect on urban or rural growth, of course, because zoning and land-use planning is under the control of local and state governmental legislation, not highways.
A California Freemotorist
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