Sunday, May 18, 2014

Another NorCal death on the HSR Altars of Death: SR152, [and Caltrain--3 to date]

This latest death (05/14/14} on Pacheco Pass's last 13-mile 2-lane segment is so sad in that it was so unnecessary, except for mostly Democrat Party politicians regimented support for the HSR fraud along this route. Funding for conversion of the last 13 miles of SR152 Pacheco Pass, a southern and eastern Farm-to-Market 2-lane vital gateway to Monterey tourism, Silicon Valley, SF Bay Area and Central Valley jobs, residences, and innovation has deliberately stalled since 2006 in order to position this highway's fix for $ hostage taking to fund High Speed Rail by forcing SR152 to fund its adjacent rail, via Congested Priced Tolling.
SC VTA and its Democrat Board of Directors is hell-bent to hold up a non-toll funding search for this highway's safety upgrades to conventional or freeway standards, despite clear evidence that TARP, ARRA, and other funding, even earmarks could've and can been used as done in Prunedale and SR46 East of Paso Robles to Lost Hills. Despite Los Banos rejection, SC VTA wants to toll from US101 to I-5 Gustine--no matter how many people die. Additionally, and worse yet, the Democrat politicians in the SF Bay Area and Gov. Jerry Brown specifically, have been fighting to keep the deadly Caltrain (Suicide-Killtrain) from Gilroy to S.F. (the long-planned standard-track HSR route) as an HSR placeholder, no matter to Dems how many die on its long-outdated 1864 (Civil War, Covered Wagon era!) street=level tracks each month....204 dead since 1995, 45 since 1/2011, 15 since 1/2013 to block BART completing is full, safe, electrified, street-separated loop around SF Bay. Gov Brown announced last year that he has been "working for 30 years to bring HSR to California" (since his first term started Caltrain with $$$).
 Like a Third-World Dictator or ancient Emperor, that hundreds have died is irrelevant, collateral damage amongst the peasants, thus, to The Leader (Gov. JB) big iconic (wasteful, Unnecessary, subsidized) dreams for his legacy. Hah, and the media thinks NJ Gov Chris Christie had an issue with the 4-day G.Washington Bridge fiasco! This HSR-gate pales. Where are P.I. attorneys when we need them? Neel, Tim, this could be a worthwhile issue for the Governor's race. Feel free to contact me for more depth and information on this and Caltrain trackway's terrible, deadly, politically-inspired High-Speed Rail transportation corridor's managed obsolescence.  Human life has little value on the HSR altars of death on SR152 and Caltrain.